Trabalhos Técnicos

Bezerras e bezerros

Immune response and onset of protection from Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 infection induced by modified-live virus vaccination concurrent with injectable trace minerals administration in newly received beef calves


Evaluation of the stress-reducing effect of trace mineral injection in beef calves


Effect of Multimin90 at weaning – Nellore calves


Effects of trace mineral injections on measures of performance and trace mineral status of pre-and postweaned beef calves


Milton Serapião

Executivo de vendas Brasil

+55 11 98295-6026

[email protected]

João Victor TEODORO

Consultor Técnico

+55 (64) 99203-8521

[email protected]

Guilherme Santos

Consultor Técnico

+55 (12) 99125-1663

[email protected]